it has been 14 yrs since The Rwandan Genocide in 1994 were mass killing of hundreds of thousands of Rwanda's Tutsis and Hutu political moderates by Hutus under the Hutu Power ideology. Over the course of approximately 100 days, from the 6 April through mid-July, at least 500,000 people were killed. Most estimates indicate a death toll between 800,000 and 1,000,000, which could be as high as 20% of the total population.
Today i was in an international relations class and we are studying the UN and the role they play in the world and in sustaing peace world wide. when my professor was talking over these past days about the role of the UN I was actually pleased that there was a group of leaders who work together with other countries to prevent wars from happening or genocides fron repeating itself.but today 6th October 2009 i saw a different side of life that brought tears to my eyes and anger. When the Movie hotel Rwanda was released it was a good movies but had its falls of not showing how the people died and how the bodies decomposed themselves as the people wait for help and the UN did nothing. This documentary was told from a another professors point of view of while the people were dying the UN was taking its time to come up with a solution of how they were going to end the genocide and save the people. The fact that after world war two the UN promised that there will not be another war or genocide in the near future was all talk and no action. if that was true than how come so many people died in Rwanda? How come the Un only sent in a few troops to help the people? how come after a couple of months the UN decieded to pull out and call back thier troops back home and leave the people, with newly born babies and children to die? how come they have soilders to go and collect the "white" people who where working in Rwanda at that time and leave the rest to die? How come the UN only sent soilders to Rwanda months after they had said at a general meeting that they would sent troops to go and help the people ? the NERVE of US former president Bill Clinton to go to Rwanda after the genocide and to say that they are SORRY they did not realise that things would get so bad..... were they waiting for the bodies to float or pill up before they actually took action and helped those helpless people? Their apology will never bring back the families of those who have lived to see today. their sorry will never erase or heal the pains of those who saw thier parent s being killed or those who were raped repeatedly by more than one man. how can one have faith in the UN while even till today the Somali incicdent has not been resolved.....im trying to understand that how do these people sleep at night when they think to themselves that they could have saved so many people's lives if only they took action...or even those soilders who left the church where thousands of the people where hidding out to go back to Belguim because they were told to come back.... you might think that the past is in the past but the pain still lives on and memeories. people who i looked up to thinking that they were my hero's are infact murderers. a journalist was interviewed during the documentary and she said that she wanted to take these people and help but the UN plane only has space enuf for the people they were sent to fetch. during the documentary the white people were seen taking thier belongings and dogs on the plane.....DOGS????? were dogs mosre important than human lives? im not a racist or attacking the white people some may see it but the fact that people died while the rest of the world did nothing fills me with anger. i guess it is up to our generation to make a differnce and make our world a better place. Im just a student speaking what is own my mind, as a journalist i plan on telling the truth as it is im part of a generation that will make a difference and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. i stand up for what is right because only the truth shall set you free. hate me or love me but you shall be hating me for telling the truth and speakin my mind because thats what real journalists do TELL THE TRUTH!
was lazy 2 read ur post but will read it later. looks interesting. keep it up
ReplyDeleteLady Zee,interesting post although a tad bit too long remember Alette talking about brevity.I feel that you kind of lose the reader because of the length of the post as a journalist your job is to give a story or piece as concisely and as short as possible.We have to remember that people sometimes only skim through your piece to get the just of your story and skimming through yours would not be possible and maybe even put the average person off from reading it at all. Overall good points were made,you say you're going to be a journalist telling the truth,just make sure that you tell it being brief but concise that will get your truth to be heard otherwise ppl will switch off while your still busy.
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ReplyDeleteugliness thank you. charmian i think you need to read what our blog the gtowndiaries is all about... our group is all about expressing our own views the way we see and feel no matter how long it is. i don remember the lectur saying that things have to be limited. this was my way of expressing myself n feel that nobody should cut or tell e that my writting is too long. in life we learn that we need to respect and try understand other people's points of views.
ReplyDeleteas jill said journalists need to read to learn....